If you want to use Explorables for teaching, presentations or class work, here are Slide-versions of each Explorable without the explanatory text in a simple presentation-like style. A Slide only contains the display and control panel without the text. The presentation slides also have a less poetic title and link to the original explorable webpage.

You can either pick from the list below, or you can click on the presentation slide button on the original explorable page that says “Presentation Slide” (below the control box).

If you use the presentation slides here are some controls:

  • press “Enter” to go fullscreen, e.g. on a projector.
  • with “CMD +” and “CMD -” (on a mac) you can scale the slide content to fit the screen.

The Prisoner's Kaleidoscope

The prisoner's dilemma game on a lattice

Horde of the Flies

The Vicsek-Model

Spin Wheels

Phase-coupled oscillators on a lattice

The walking head

Pedestrian dynamics


The spatial hypercycle model


Oscillators that sync and swarm

Come Together

Chemotaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum


A Network Growth Model that Naturally Yields Clustered Networks

Thrilling Milling Schelling Herings

Swarming behavior of animals that seek their kin


Yet another Complexity Explorable on evolution

T. Schelling plays Go

The Schelling model

Janus Bunch

Dynamics of two-phase coupled oscillators

Berlin 8:00 a.m.

The emergence of phantom traffic jams

Jujujajáki networks

The emergence of communities in weighted networks

Prime Time

The distribution of primes along number spirals

I sing well-tempered

The Ising Model

Anomalous Itinerary

Lévy flights

Hopfed Turingles

Pattern Formation in a simple reaction-diffusion system

Albert & Carl Friedrich

Random Walks & Diffusion

Critically Inflammatory

A forrest fire model

Dr. Fibryll & Mr. Glyde

Pulse-coupled oscillators

Facebooked Flu Shots

Network vaccination

The Blob

A network's giant component

Stranger Things

Strange attractors

I herd you!

How herd immunity works

Scott's World*

Microbial growth patterns

Yo, Kohonen!

Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map

Echo Chambers

A model for opinion dynamics


A stochastic cellular automaton

Surfing a Gene Pool

Expansion of clones with idential fitness


Growing complex networks

If you ask your XY

The XY model of statistical mechanics

Ride my Kuramotocycle!

The Kuramoto model

Maggots in the Wiggle Room

The dynamics of evolution

A Patchwork Darwinge

Evolution: Variation and Selection

Into the Dark

Collective intelligence

Barista's Secret

Percolation on a lattice

Lotka Martini

The Lotka-Volterra model

Double Trouble

The double pendulum

Critical HexSIRSize

The stochastic, spatial SIRS model

Flock'n Roll

Collective behavior and swarming

Hokus Fractus!

Famous fractals

Particularly Stuck

Diffusion Limited Aggregation


The spatial rock-paper-scissors game

Kick it like Chirikov

The kicked rotator (standard map)


The SIRS epidemic model

Keith Haring's Mexican Hat

Pattern Formation by Local Excitation and Long-Range Inhibition

Weeds & Trees

Lindenmayer Systems