“The Prisoner's Kaleidoscope”
The prisoner's dilemma game on a lattice
This explorable illustrates beautiful dynamical patterns that can be generated by a simple game theoretic model on a lattice. The core of the model is the Prisoner’s Dilemma, a legendary game analyzed in game theory. In the game, two players can choose to cooperate or defect. Depending on their choice, they receive a pre-specified payoffs. The payoffs are chosen such that it seems difficult to make the right strategy choice.
“T. Schelling plays Go”
The Schelling model
This explorable illustrates the dynamics of the Schelling model named after economist and Nobel laureate Thomas Schelling (1921-2016). Although this model has been applied in different contexts, it is best known for its ability to capture geographical ethnic segregation of human populations and cities based on very simple principles.
“Nah dah dah nah nah... (Opus, 1984)”
Conway's Game of Life
A stochastic cellular automaton
This explorable illustrates how fractal growth patterns can be generated by stochastic cellular automata. Cellular automata are spatially and temporally discrete dynamical systems that are conceptually very straightforward but can generate unexpected complex behavior, often fractal-like structures reminiscent of patterns we see in natural systems.
“Weeds & Trees”
Lindenmayer Systems
This explorable illustrates how fractal patterns observed in natural systems, particularly structural properties of some plants, can approximately be modeled by simple iterative models. Sometimes these models are refered to as Lindenmayer systems.